Well time has been going by fast, especially when you are on vacation or just away.
I have just completed my whirlwind hunting trip that took me through Arizona to New Mexico. Then through Colorado and Utah to Wyoming. Then to Idaho. After I found success in what I was hunting, I headed back home through Nevada to California.
Here is my Buck from Wyoming. Not a big buck but I was not seeing what I was looking for and felt the pressure of TIME. The same kind of pressure that the market puts on me.

I then drove half way across Wyoming to get my Antelope. I don't know that it is always this easy, but an hour into the season and I was blessed with this nice specimen.
Pack up and off to Idaho. This is where the weather got bad for the first time. Although we encountered some snow in Wy, it was a day storm that did not last. Here we had some colder weather for several days and the snow stuck at the higher elevations.
My hunting partner got me on a bachelor herd of bucks and after watching for several hours, I ended up harvesting this nice buck.
I believe that this was a nice 4x4 buck earlier in the year. His back fork is broke off. He really is a fine buck with that "old" Mexico look to him. He measures about 27 3/4 wide.
I still have Lynx to go get in Canada and Nevada mule Deer hunt in Dec. I am excited about being on a "roll". I now just need to convert that luck and good fortune into the market.
I bought some ANR contracts for .85 about a month prior to hunt. I bought March 08 and I am pleasantly surprised to see that sometimes if you just give things time and don't fret daily about them, they really work out. They have a value of 5.60, that is like 650%. That seems extreme but I wonder how often that could happen if you buy enough Time and let your winners run.